Create a New Academic Assessment Plan

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Request Type*
For assistance on on developing program goals and student learning outcomes please visit Faculty Resources webpage and scroll to the Guide for Developing Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes.
Campus Labs Planning*
Please use this space to indicate the new program goals and evaluation methods. For examples of Program Goals and Evaluation Methods, please visit the Data Report Examples page of the Office of Institutional Assessment homepage. There are a variety of pdf examples available from undergraduate, graduate, and professional academic programs..
Program Type*
Indicate the areas of the SLOs (undergraduate)*
Indicate the areas of the SLOs (graduate and professional)*
What types of assessments will be used?*
What assessment methods will be used?*
Who applies the method?*
Describe the individual student assessments and the assessment method that will be used to measure each SLO.
Please enter the the text as it is to appear in the catalog. For examples of how to phrase the statement, please see the undergraduate catalog. This does not apply to graduate programs, please put “N/A” if this is a graduate or professional program. Academic Learning Compacts are required for all new undergraduate programs. They are listed along with the major in the catalog.
This does not apply to graduate programs, please put “N/A” if this is a graduate or professional program.
Please list the Standard Learning Outcomes for the program.
Lists the types of assignments or exercises that will be used to assess learning outcomes.
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