New Course Submission Portal New Course Submission "*" indicates required fields Pre-submission Checklist*Please confirm: Syllabus uses the most recent PHHP template. (Updated September 2023) Syllabus contains the required items listed in the PHHP Syllabus Item Coverage checklist. Course author has reviewed the PHHP Syllabus Content & Quality Checklist Chair Approval Verification*New courses MUST be approved by the department chair PRIOR to submission to the PHHP Curriculum Committee. Please submit verification from your department Chair acknowledging they are aware of and approve of the submission. My chair approves this new course. Consultation Confirmation*Will this course be added to one of PHHP's undergraduate programs (BHS, BPH, BHS-CMS), MPH, or RSD programs? Yes No Program Director Consult Verification*Have you consulted with the appropriate program director regarding the addition of this course? PLEASE NOTE: Chair approval does not override the need for the program director consultation. Yes-please submit verification from the appropriate program director. No-if you have not consulted with the appropriate program director, please do so before submitting your request. Your request will not be considered until the program director has been consulted. New CourseDate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Submitter* First Last Phone*Email* Department*Select oneBIOCHPDO (BHS, BPH, MPH)EGHEPIHSRMPOTPTSLHSRecommended Prefix*Enter the three letter code indicating placement of course within the discipline (e.g., POS, ATR, ENC). Note that for new course proposals, the State Common Numbering System (SCNS) may assign a different prefix. Course Level and Number*Select the one digit code preceding the course number that indicates the course level at which the course is taught (e.g., 1=freshman, 2=sophomore, etc.). Followed by the three digit code indicating the specific content of the course based on the SCNS taxonomy and course equivalency profiles. For new course requests, this may be XXX until SCNS assigns an appropriate number. Category of Instruction*Indicate whether the course is introductory, intermediate or advanced. Introductory courses are those that require no prerequisites and are general in nature. Intermediate courses require some prior preparation in a related area. Advanced courses require specific competencies or knowledge relevant to the topic prior to enrollment.Select oneSelect One1000 and 2000-Introductory undergraduate3000 level-Intermediate undergraduate4000 level-Advanced undergraduate5000 level-Introductory graduate6000 level-Intermediate graduate7000 level-Advanced graduate4000/5000 and 4000/6000-Joint undergraduate/graduate (must be approved by the UCC and GCC)Lab Code*Enter the lab code to indicate whether the course is lecture only (None), lab only (L), or a combined lecture and lab (C).Select oneNoneLab onlyCombined lecture and labCourse Title*Enter the title of the course as it should appear in the Academic Catalog. Note that this is limited to 100 characters including spaces). Transcript Title*Enter the title that will appear in the transcript and the schedule of courses. Note this is limited to 30 characters (including spaces). Degree Type*Select the type of degree program for which this course is intended.Select oneBaccalaureateGraduateProfessionalOtherIf "other" degree type, please specify.If "other" degree type, please specify. Delivery Methods*Indicate all platforms through which the course is currently planned to be delivered. Choose only one. PC - Primarily Classroom (0-49% of course content taught outside of classroom) HB - Hybrid Blend (50-79% of course content taught outside of classroom) PD - Primarily Distance Learning (80-99% of course content taught outside of classroom) AD - All Distance Learning (100% of course content taught outside of classroom) Co-Listing*Will this course be jointly taught to undergraduate, graduate, and/or professional students? Yes No Co-Listing ExplanationIf course will be co-listed, please detail how coursework differs for undergraduate, graduate, and/or professional students.Effective Term*Select the requested term that the course will first be offered. Selecting "Earliest" will allow the course to be active in the earliest term after SCNS approval. If a specific term and year are selected, this should reflect the department’s best projection. Courses cannot be implemented retroactively, and therefore the actual effective term cannot be prior to SCNS approval, which must be obtained prior to the first day of classes for the effective term. SCNS approval typically requires 2 to 6 weeks after approval of the course at UF.Select oneEarliest AvailableFallSpringSummerEffective Year*Select the requested year that the course will first be offered. See preceding item for further information.Select oneEarliest Available20222023202420252026Rotating Topics*Select “Yes” if the course can have rotating (varying) topics. These course titles can vary by topic in the Schedule of Courses.Select oneYesNoRepeatable Credit*Select "Yes" if the course may be repeated for credit. If the course will also have rotating topics, be sure to indicate this in the question above.Select oneYesNoAmount of Credit*Select the number of credits awarded to the student upon successful completion, or select "Variable" if the course will be offered with variable credit and then indicate the minimum and maximum credits per section. Note that credit hours are regulated by Rule 6A-10.033, FAC. If you select “Variable” for the amount of credit, additional fields will appear in which to indicate the minimum and maximum number of total credits.Select one0123456789101112131415VariableIf variable, # of mininum creditsSelect one0123456If variable, # of maximum creditsSelect one0123456S/U only*Select "Yes" if all students should be graded as S/U in the course. Note that each course must be entered into the UF curriculum inventory as either letter-graded or S/U. A course may not have both options. However, letter-graded courses allow students to take the course S/U with instructor permission. Select oneYesNoContact Type*Select the best option to describe course contact type. This selection determines whether base hours or headcount hours will be used to determine the total contact hours per credit hour. Note that the headcount hour options are for courses that involve contact between the student and the professor on an individual basis. Select oneRegularly Scheduled [base hr]Thesis/Dissertation Supervision [1.0 headcount hr]Directed Individual Studies [0.5 headcount hr]Supervision of Student Interns [0.8 headcount hr]Supervision of Teaching/Research [0.5 headcount hr]Supervision of Cooperative Education [0.8 headcount hr]Course Type*Please select the type of course being created. These categories are required by the Florida Board of Governors. Select oneLectureSeminarInternshipIndependent StudyPerformance Individual InstructionSupervised Research (6910)Supervised Teaching (6940)Graduate Dissertation (7980)Thesis Graduate (6971)Weekly Contact Hours*Indicate the number of hours instructors will have contact with students each week on average throughout the duration of the course. Course Description*Provide a brief narrative description of the course content. This description will be published in the Academic Catalog and is limited to 500 character or less. See course description guidelines.Prerequisites*Indicate all requirements that must be satisfied prior to enrollment in the course. Prerequisites will be automatically checked for each student attempting to register for the course. The prerequisite must include the course number and name. Please note that upper division courses (i.e., intermediate or advanced level of instruction) must have proper prerequisites to target the appropriate audience for the course.Co-requisites*Indicate all requirements that must be taken concurrently with the course. Co-requisites are not checked by the registration system.Rationale and Placement in Curriculum*Explain the rationale for offering the course and its place in the curriculum.Course Objectives*Describe the core knowledge and skills that student should derive from the course. The objectives should be both observable and measurable.Course Textbook(s) and/or Other Assigned Reading*Enter the title, author(s) and publication date of textbooks and/or readings that will be assigned. Please provide specific examples to evaluate the course. Weekly Schedule of Topics*Provide a projected weekly schedule of topics. This should have sufficient detail to evaluate how the course would meet current curricular needs and the extent to which it overlaps with existing courses at UF.HiddenLinks and PoliciesPlease list the policy LINKS included in the course syllabus. LIST LINKS ONLY. Please see: for more information Syllabus Content Requirements*Please upload the syllabus for the proposed course. (Note that rotating topics courses should still submit a sample syllabus to illustrate the kind of content that will be included.) Before uploading, ensure that the syllabus contains the following and confirm each item by checking it: Student learning outcomes explaining what students will be able to do after successfully completing the course. These should use observable, measurable action verbs. Required and recommended readings for the course. Name of instructor(s) or planned instructor(s). If unknown, list as TBD. Materials and Supplies fees, if any. Methods by which students will be graded The grading scheme used in the course (e.g., what constitutes an A, an A-, etc.), along with information on current UF grading policies for assigning grade points. This may be achieved by including a link to the university grades and grading policies. A 15 week calendar or schedule of topics with enough detail to illustrate weekly topics, readings, and assignments (asynchronous or modular courses can arrange by modules rather than weeks). A statement related to class attendance, make-up exams and other work such as: “Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with university policies. Click here to read the university attendance policies.” A statement related to accommodations for students with disabilities such as: Students with disabilities who experience learning barriers and would like to request academic accommodations should connect with the disability Resource Center. Click here to get started with the Disability Resource Center. It is important for students to share their accommodation letter with their instructor and discuss their access needs, as early as possible in the semester. A statement informing students of the online course evaluation process such as: “Students are expected to provide professional and respectful feedback on the quality of instruction in this course by completing course evaluations online via GatorEvals. Guidance on how to give feedback in a professional and respectful manner is available at Students will be notified when the evaluation period opens, and can complete evaluations through the email they receive from GatorEvals, in their Canvas course menu under GatorEvals, or via Summaries of course evaluation results are available to students at” Grading Scheme*List the types of assessments, assignments and other activities that will be used to determine the course grade, and the percentage contribution from each. This list should have sufficient detail to evaluate the course rigor and grade integrity. Include details about the grading rubric and percentage breakdowns for determining grades.Instructor(s)*Enter the name of the planned instructor or instructors, or “to be determined” if instructors are not yet identified.Instructor(s) Email Required Documents*Please upload a copy of the syllabus (must be the current version as listed on the PHHP Curriculum website), confirmation of chair approval (email, internal memo), consult form (if applicable), as well as any other information you feel the committee might need. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 125 MB, Max. files: 5. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.